When can I use the PICK ability?
The PICK ability, allows you to discard a specific crew member from your hand to search your deck for an armor card created by that crew...

When can I discard Bruno from my hand?
Bruno the cat is one of the few cards that can be discarded from your hand at any time to draw a card. Simply declare that you are...

Can I attack shoulder armor?
Yes. When defending the shoulder armors have a base defense (pilot defense + any crew/hangar bonus). Shoulder Armors count as pilot...

What happens when I play Renegotiation on my opponent's Soda Fats?
Renegotiation will send Soda Fats back to the player's hand and will instantly enforce the hand size back to 10, and the player must...

What happens if a player has more than 10 cards?
Anytime a player has more than the maximum 10 card hand size they must immediately discard down to 10. A player may not play an Action...

At what point in an attack do you look with Eye of Horus?
A player who attacks with Eye of Hours will roll their initial attack and then immediately look at the top 5 cards of the defender's deck...

Do Expert Pilots count as pilot points?
No. Only cards that are played on top of the robot count for pilot points. Expert pilots are played underneath (or in) your robot and...

How do you determine defense of an armor with Malfuction on it?
The defense of the armor would still be added to the base defense of the robot as normal. Malfunction does not effect the defensive...

Can a storage bomb fit in my sidekick space with Supreme Hangar?
A storage bomb can never be your sidekick. When you use the DEMOLITION ability of Supreme Hangar, the hangar would be discarded and any...

What happens to counters when they are covered by another card?
Anytime a card with a counter on it (not including Storage Bombs in Hangars) is covered by another card (Malfunction, Armor upgrade) the...