Rulebook: What happens in ties during combat?
Quote: the player who has the lesser value decides if they want to add one or more bombs First, this also obviously means "shields" as...

Can I review my deck during the draft?
While drafting players are welcome to look at the cards they have already drafted. Often times we recommend sorting the cards you draft...

Can I trigger my starter pilot's critical bonus more than once?
Yes. Any active pilot with a critical bonus will activate the moment their robot goes into critical mode (Critical Mode is when a robot...

What constitutes a die roll?
In PBL ROBOTS a die roll is considered any die that is rolled or would be rolled. Many cards in the game refer to rerolling a die,...

How does Yot-Z Bazooka work? (UPDATE)
NOTE: The text of this card has been slightly altered for clarification. Below is the new text, with an explanation below. UNITE: The...