Resolving an Action
Most Actions are resolved the moment they are played, and will be discarded shortly after they are announced. Action cards that effect...

What constitutes as an Active Limb?
An active limb is any head, left arm, right arm or legs that have not been blown off. A Malfunctioned limb, Level 0 base armor or a limb...

What happens with Malfunction and defending armor effects?
Malfunction affect defending armors, but at times can be discarded in the middle of battle. When the action card is discarded the armor...

What happens when Malfunction is played when I have Coringus the Synthesizer?
Coringus will always turn the 1's into 3's and Malfunction will stay on the affected armor until otherwise discarded (by upgrading the...

What happens to counters when they are covered by another card?
Anytime a card with a counter on it (not including Storage Bombs in Hangars) is covered by another card (Malfunction, Armor upgrade) the...

What happens if Malfunction is played when I am in critical form?
If you had no valid plays and cannot attack you must pass your turn and draw a card for the end of turn.