Can shoulder armor attack?
No. Shoulder armors can not attack. Some shoulder armors, like Yot Z Bazooka, can make a STRIKE and others can make your bombs/shield...

What if I forget about using my UNITE ability?
All cards with the UNITE ability are optional affects that only take place when announced. If a player forgets to activate a UNITE...

Can I attack shoulder armor?
Yes. When defending the shoulder armors have a base defense (pilot defense + any crew/hangar bonus). Shoulder Armors count as pilot...

What happens to counters when they are covered by another card?
Anytime a card with a counter on it (not including Storage Bombs in Hangars) is covered by another card (Malfunction, Armor upgrade) the...

How does Philip Lipperstern work with Thunder Shield and Refuge Laser?
If you use a bomb/shield and tick down a Refuge Laser or Thunder Shield with Phillip Lipperstern as your active pilot you will be rolling...