How does Yot-Z Bazooka work? (UPDATE)
NOTE: The text of this card has been slightly altered for clarification. Below is the new text, with an explanation below. UNITE: The...
Three Player Game: Yot-Z Bazooka
After an attack, when using Yot-Z Bazooka's strike, you may target any player's armor, even if that was not the player you attacked this...
Can shoulder armor attack?
No. Shoulder armors can not attack. Some shoulder armors, like Yot Z Bazooka, can make a STRIKE and others can make your bombs/shield...
What is a Strike?
A Strike is like an attack except has a success rate that requires a separate set of circumstances to happen in order to cause infinit...
What if I forget about using my UNITE ability?
All cards with the UNITE ability are optional affects that only take place when announced. If a player forgets to activate a UNITE...
Can I attack shoulder armor?
Yes. When defending the shoulder armors have a base defense (pilot defense + any crew/hangar bonus). Shoulder Armors count as pilot...
What constitutes damage on Spor Conductor?
Anytime during a battle if a die of any value is rolled in an attack targeting Spor Conductor then the attack value will crank up by +1....
Can you play Sacrificial Limb on YotZ Bazooka?
No. YotZ Bazooka's strike is a different secondary value and cannot be redirected like other attacks.